PROCESS: | Natural Anaerobic |
ELVATION: | 1450 M ASL |
GROWER: | Misadhi Growers |
HARVEST: | 2023/2024 Main Crop |
BAG WEIGHT: | 30kg Vac-pack |
PROCESS: | Natural Anaerobic: Washed (Dry Fermentation) |
VARIETY: | SL 28 & Ruiru 11 |
ELVATION: | 1900 M ASL |
GROWER: | Mukandima CBO |
HARVEST: | 2023/2024 Main Crop |
BAG WEIGHT: | 30kg Vac-pack |
PROCESS: | Natural Anaerobic: Washed (Dry Fermentation) |
VARIETY: | SL 28 |
ELVATION: | 1900 M ASL |
GROWER: | Ngacha Coffee Estate |
HARVEST: | 2023/2024 Main Crop |
BAG WEIGHT: | 30kg Vac-pack |
PROCESS: | Natural Anaerobic: Hydro Series Natural |
VARIETY: | SL 28 & Ruiru 11 |
ELVATION: | 1900 M ASL |
GROWER: | Mukandima CBO |
HARVEST: | 2023/2024 Main Crop |
BAG WEIGHT: | 30kg Vac-pack |
PROCESS: | Natural Anaerobic: Competition Series Natural |
VARIETY: | SL 28 |
ELVATION: | 1900 M ASL |
GROWER: | Ngacha Coffee Estate |
HARVEST: | 2023/2024 Main Crop |
BAG WEIGHT: | 30kg Vac-pack |
As the coffee is drying, the sticky coating on the outside of the beans oxidized and darken in color turning golden yellow we stopped at this point. The coffee has clarity with a medium-high acidity, medium-high acidity, pleasant middle ground when it comes to flavor, with an extra hint of sweetness.
We sundry the coffee beans inside the coffee cherry, harnessing the power of fermentation to impart natural sweetness the flavors consist of sweet, floral taste, bright acidity and lack of bitterness,
Las cerezas fueron seleccionadas y recogidas a mano, despulpadas en seco y cubiertas en las camas elevadas africanas para prolongar la fase de secado hasta 18 días. Los sabores son complejos, con toques de bayas, grosella negra y un dulce sabor tropical al final.
Seleccionamos a mano las cerezas y las secamos lentamente bajo condiciones supervisadas antes de descascarillar. Los sabores consisten en ciruela con una sensación en boca similar al jarabe de arce, toronja y mermelada de cereza en el final.